Monday, April 29, 2013


 Let me first say,


This semester has been so much crazier than I anticipated.  Three classes, plus an internship of 250 hours is more than i thought it would be, even if the classes are mostly online.  i thought to myself, 250 hours over 4 months. easy peasy. i was mistaken. it actually ended up being over 3 months.  i had to be fingerprinted which took time so i didnt really start until almost Feburary. 

the month of march was very hectic. since august poor elizabeth ann has had at least one ear infection a month. march, however, we had double ear infections that took over 10 days and 2 antibiotics to go away. Finally we got tubes!!! 

however a week after she got tubes, she was diagnosed with the flu. on march 30! 

poor little girl. that also took 10 days, tamiflu and a cough syrup BUT it didnt go away :( michael and i both had the flu and were out of school and work for an extra week. clearly this is going well into april.

Do you think she could tell there was Tamiflu mixed in with her oatmeal? ;)

Currently, we are waiting on her secondary bronchitis infection to go away. apparently since there is no fever she is not contagious but she is on her 2nd antibiotic and almost 2 weeks of meds and cough syrup. but at least we are still carrying on with our daily lives. somewhat. with 2 very long naps a day until she starts feeling better.

Now that all of that is settling down and the semester is wrapping up.....

I'M BACK!!!!

so i guess i should start with what im excited MOST about and then go backwards.  throughout all of this i have been slowly working on crafts for elizabeth ann's first birthday. 

here are the pics of what ive been working on. trying to decide which one i should do tutorials for and shots of the process...comment if you have a fave! :)

a high chair tutu before it was completely and glued

made from scratch cake plates. then glittered.

focus on the colors in the center. every DIY needs a trial run. loved putting ice cream in these.

our seriously fabulous cake!! so delicious! and adorable if i do say so myself.

DIY birthday girl hat. plus another shot of the chair

party favors

i really love this idea! i adore her birthday board cant wait to see how next years changes
ps. etsy $85 DIY $30ish

wishes for baby! perfect for a one year old party. gives the adults their entertainment other than just talking to each other or chasing their children

somehow i did not get a close up of the banner but theres my 
"happy birthday" banner

a cool angle of the three biggest DIYs of the party. the plates, the hat and the tutu.

and somehow we didnt get a shot of the gift table BEFORE the mountain of presents arrived.
try to check out the table cloth. again DIY. 

now this last thing is not anything i did, but it was beautiful and my mother did it start to finish even the roses. i almost was happy that elizabeth ann didnt like cake or having icing on her precious fingers because it was too pretty for a smash cake honestly. i mean i know i picked it out and everything but next year a smash cake will have to be something not so beautiful.

Dont forget leave some comments so you can help me decide about which tutorial to share!!! :)
sorry for bragging on myself but i just worked so hard on this and it was literally exactly how i envisioned!!!

Happy Birthday baby girl :) 

mommy loves you!!!!

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